Commons Cup Rules

  1. There is no time limit on the games.
  2. 15-, 10-, and 8-run rules are in effect per Little League rule 4.10 (e).
  3. Courtesy Runner with 2 outs is permitted for pitchers and catchers per the option in Little League rule 3.04.
  4. Games after the first round will be scheduled as we go so that one of the teams still in the tournament will be hosting a game.
  5. The finals will be scheduled when the participants are known.
  6. Each host site must provide the game balls and the umpires.
  7. Continuous batting order will be used as described in Little League rule 4.04.
  8. Home Team will be determined by coin flip. Home team in 3rd base dugout and visitor in 1st base dugout.
  9. Protests of rules application shall be governed by Little League rule 4.19 with the district staff acting as the protest committee.
  10. For the purpose of having 9 players for the game, the league player agent may assign 1 pool player in accordance with regulation V(c) with the additional constraints:
    • The pool player will bat in the last place in the batting order.
    • The pool player will be positioned defensively in the outfield.
    • The pool player will not be league age 12.
    • The local league will notify the district and all participating leagues when a pool player is assigned.
  11. A team that cannot field 9 players after exercising their pool player option will be subject to forfeit at the discretion of the district staff.

Commons Bracket and Information

Commons Cup History

The Commons Cup is an interleague mid-season tournament among regular season (not all-star) Major Division baseball teams.   The format is single elimination. Some games will be at area leagues. See Field Listing for directions to other leagues and more information.

The tournament of this format was formerly known as the Keraga Cup, in honor of the creator former Zionsville President Chuck Keraga. Zionsville retained the name for their use in District 3 upon their departure and District 8 launched the Commons Cup name in honor of former District Administrator Mark Commons.

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